Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And Another Thing...

Just following up on some of my posts from yesterday...

  • I ended up going on Audible and buying the unabridged Q And A audiobook, as well as the radio show (which was the first dramatized version of the book, even if I can't figure out exactly when it aired - my guess would be 2007). Here's hoping that bookstore lets me return the CDs.
  • The big news in the world of Douglas Adams, of course, is that Eoin Colfer (creator of Artemis Fowl) has written the official sixth Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy book, and it comes out October 12. This is probably not a good thing already, and it would get even worse if the book is adapted into a sixth season of the radio show. I have a hard time imagining John Marsh saying "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy was created by Douglas Adams, written by Eoin Colfer, adapted by Kim Fuller, directed and produced by Dawn Ellis, and was an Above The Title production for BBC Radio 4."

You can tell I listen to too much British radio, can't you?


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